Graduates from HOPE’s Kelly Drader Longview Training Centre have been busily producing stunning, vibrant, unique masks for the Paul Hardy Mask Project. Over 3,000 masks created out of joyful, colourful African kitenge have been shipped to Canada for sale internationally! (See below for the link to Paul’s website to order yours.) And as promised, for every mask made, a mask was created to be given to a local, as all Rwandans required are by law to wear a mask in public. (Please, see the previous post about distribution of the "Give One" masks.) So, our ladies made over 6,000 masks in just 5 weeks!
This has proven to be the most fabulous opportunity for our ladies to learn production line assembly and advanced textile skills! Confidence has grown as they acquired new skills and became more proficient tailors. And when it finally sunk in that their products were being exported to and sold in Canada, they were so proud of themselves! The ladies began to believe there was nothing they couldn’t do.
Hope has been restored and the ladies are dreaming again! Some imagined returning to school, while others saw investing in their own businesses. Saving has become a new habit – they now have money to save and they have something to save for!
Truly these women have been empowered through this opportunity.
100% of the proceeds will go to sustaining this women’s business initiative and raising funds for HOPE’s new school and residences.
Facebook: Paul Brian Hardy
Instagram: Paulhardyinc