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On December 29, 2020 Ralph and Glenda Dubienski were featured in CTV’s “Inspired Albertans” segment because of the work they are doing to further our cause in Ethiopia and Rwanda. What an honour to have them featured at the end of this rather unforgettable year!

In the telling of their story, the renowned broadcaster Darrel Janz shared of the impact made through the partnership of Pat and Michelle Ward, and Paul and Kristin Van Ginkel. By creating the Hopethiopia Charity Calendar every year for the past 10 years, their efforts have raised over $1,000,000 for our charity!

The partnership with these lavishly supportive friends causes us to humbly (and tearfully) pause and reflect upon the enormous blessings that continue to flow through all our sponsors, volunteers, mentors, advisors, friends and family. The support of Pat and Michelle, Paul and Kristin, is representative of the giving of the many faithful sponsors of HOPE’s projects and people. Yes, it is representative of your support. This has been a most trying year, but you have remained with us. We could not possibly express the fullness of our gratitude. Just be assured: you have done great things to transform the lives of hundreds of the world’s most marginalized.

Thank you for your continual, thoughtful and loving support. We remain forever grateful.

If you would like to make a donation and receive one (or more) of these stunning calendars, please go to Paul Van Ginkel’s website link:

Or, you can select the 2021 Charity Calendar Fund on Hopethiopia’s CanadaHelps page at:

Thank you again!

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