With World Toilet Day on Tuesday, it was a great day to unveil the latest latrine constructed by the men of HOPE Home in Rwanda. Volunteering their time and skills, using donations to HOPE allocated to such an effort, these men constructed a beautiful and easy to maintain, toilet and wash room. Having lived for years without a latrine, Fortunée, this very gracious lady, was thrilled to receive such a blessing. Many of us in the so called “developed world” are unaware of the reality that 4.2 billion people in the world do not have safely managed sanitation. This year’s World Toilet Day theme was “Leaving no one behind,” which acknowledges and raises awareness of people who are being left behind without sanitation, and the inevitable consequences of inaction. We are happy to do our part to improve the lives of our Rwandese neighbours and help alleviate the global sanitation crisis.
November 2019